Hummingbird Magic

 “You are not apart from life, but life itself.”  Mooji

As many of you may know, California has experienced unprecedented storms, floods, and chilling winter temperatures. Spring equinox came and went as another storm blustered about keeping us and all of nature in gray darkness.  But that was yesterday.

Today it is spring. The sky is blue and the much-needed rain nurtured the plants to shades of bright green. Today as I sit at my desk typing, I notice a flutter of tiny wings just outside the window. To my delight it is a hummingbird darting around drinking nectar from the deep purple echium blossoms in the garden. My demeanor softens as I continue watching this delicate, luminescent animal so close I can almost touch it through the glass. Then to my utter surprise magically the little bird stops in mid-flight and stares at me. Our eyes lock. Holding my breath I whisper, “Hello. I see you. Do you see me?  What are you telling me with those tiny, sparkling eyes?” 

Seeing you I am lightness of being. Is that what you are showing me in this moment?  Can I stop thinking and planning and doing long enough to take in your brilliance, to share your existence as perhaps you know it to be.

I feel joy in your presence. Hummingbird are you a teacher of joy?

I feel beyond time where there is no past or future. I am hovering like you in this moment. I sigh. I relax. Is that what you are showing me with your gaze and your ability to hold yourself still in mid-air.

Are you here to remind me to live la dolce vita, the sweet life, as you drink nectar from tasty, colorful blooms.

Flying small bird, you navigate hundreds of miles in your annual migration from South America to be here in my garden. You inspire me with your resilience, strength, and generosity of spirit. Can I like you, follow my instincts, have faith and trust that I am strong enough to make it?

You are, hummingbird friend, showing me the miracle and mystery of life. I am mesmerized by you.

Suddenly you dart off and disappear. The moment is over, or is it? Perhaps just this moment is over, yet I know you are creating another moment that is a natural expression of you wherever you are. Hummingbird, I may not know it as easily as you do, but that is what I am doing too.     


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